• Del Piero, D., Orel, G., Vio, E., Brizzi, G. & Zentilin, A. 1989. Considerazioni sulla biologia e la pesca di Ensis siliqua minor (Chenu 1843) nel Golfo di Trieste. Nova thalassia, 10, suppl.1, 485−492.

  • Brizzi, G., Del Piero, D. & Orel, G. 1991. Comunità meiobento­niche nel Golfo di Trieste. Quaderni dell'Osservatorio dell'Alto Adriatico, Regioni Veneto e Friuli V.G., Repubbliche di Slovenia e Croazia.

  • Brizzi, G., Del Piero, D. & Orel, G. 1992. Osservazioni sull'ac­crescimento e la biologia di Venus verrucosa L. (Mollusca, Bival­via) nel Golfo di Trieste. Boll. Soc. Adriatica Sci. Naturali, LXXIII, 45−50.

  • Aleffi, F., Brizzi, G., Del Piero, D., Goriup, F., Landri, P., Orel, G. & Vio, E. 1992. Macro and meiobenthic responses to oxy­gen depletion in the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic Sea, Ita­ly). Preliminary results. Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Médit., 33: 343.

  • Orel, G., Vio, E., Del Piero, D., Brizzi, G. & Aleffi, F. 1993. Mare sporco, popolamenti bentonici e pesca. Biologia Marina, Suppl. Notiz. SIBM, I: 13−18.

  • Aleffi, F., Brizzi, G., Del Piero, D., Goriup, F., Landri, P., Orel, G. & Vio, E. 1993. Prime osservazioni sull'accrescimento di Cor­bula gibba (Mollusca, Bivalvia) nel Golfo di Trieste (Nord A­driatico). Biologia Marina, Suppl. Notiz. SIBM, I: 277−280.

  • Brizzi, G., Aleffi, F., Landri, P., Goriup, F. & Orel, G. 1994. Vertical distribution of macrofauna in a muddy sediment station in the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic Sea). Marine Biology, Vienna, 29th E.M.B.S.

  • Brizzi, G., Orel, G., Aleffi, F., Landri, P., Goriup, F., Del Piero, D. & Vio, E. 1994. Evoluzione del popolamento macrobentonico in una stazione soggetta ad ipossia ed anossia del Golfo di Trieste (Alto Adriatico). Biol. Mar. Medit., 1(1): 249−253.

  • Brizzi, G., Aleffi, F., Goriup, F., Landri, P. & Orel, G. 1995. Modifications in benthos under mussel cultures in the Gulf of Trieste (North Adriatic Sea). Annales, 7: 17−26.

  • Aleffi, F., Brizzi, G. & Zamboni, R. 2005. Effects of an intensive cage farm on the macrobenthos in the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic Sea). Annales, 15: 5−10.

  • Caffara, M., Florio, D., Basile, F., Gustinelli, A., Marcer, F., Beraldo, P., Volpatti, D., Brizzi, G., Cascone, V., Fioravanti, M.L. & Santamaria, F. 2007. Episodio di enteromyxosi in saraghi pizzuti (Diplodus puntazzo) allevati in gabbie galleggianti in Italia. Castiglione della Pescaia (GR), Italy, 15−16 November 2007, Atti del XIV conv. naz. S.I.P.I.

  • Marzano, A. & Brizzi, G. 2009. Costly display or economic investment? A quantitative approach to the study of Roman marine aquaculture. J. Roman Archaeology, 22.

  • Roncarati, A., Brambilla, G., Miniero, R., Brizzi, G., Cascone, V., Mangiacotti, M., Marchesani, G., Miedico, O. & Chiaravalle, E.  2009. Methylmercury in feeds and in sea bream fillets under routine farming conditions. Trondheim, Norway, 14−17 August, Proc. EAS.

  • Miniero, R., Brambilla, G., Chiaravalle, E., Brizzi, G., Cascone, V., Abate, V., De Filippis, S.P., Iamiceli, A.L., Ingelido, A.M., Fulgenzi, A., Iacovelli, N. & di Domenico, A. 2009. POPS levels in fillets of sea bream (Sparus auratus) from two offshore cages in southern Italy. Beijing, 23−28 August, Proc. 29th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, 71: 1517−19.

  • Brizzi, G. 2014a. Environmental recommendations for installation of platforms, discharge pipelines and moorings. Work Package 9. Impact Assessment, Task 9.2: Environmental impact simulation, Deliverable 9.3. Project H2ocean, funded under EU FP7 Grant Agreement 288145, p. 54.

  • Brizzi, G. 2014b. Report on concentration of wastes and their dilution and dispersion. Work Package 9. Impact Assessment, Task 9.2: Environmental impact simulation, Deliverable 9.4. Project H2ocean, funded under EU FP7 Grant Agreement 288145, p. 69.

  • Brizzi, G. 2014c. Analysis of the reduced environmental impact of the proposed multi-trophic aquaculture system. Work Package 9. Impact Assessment, Task 9.3: Evaluation of the overall impact simulation of the multi-trophic aquaculture system, Deliverable 9.5. Project H2ocean, funded under EU FP7 Grant Agreement 288145, p. 109.

  • Sabbagh, M., Schiavone, R., Brizzi, G., Zilli, L. & Vilella, S. 2015. Substitution of fish meal by poultry by-product meal in the diet of farmed seabream (Sparus aurata).  Montpellier, France, 23−26 August, Aquaculture 2015.

  • Brizzi, G. & Sabbagh, M. 2018. Representative site selection and associated climatology characteristics. Work Package 2. Blue farm siting and preliminary engineering design, Task 2.2, Deliverable 2.2. Project The Blue Growth farm, funded under EU H2020 Grant Agreement 774426, pp. 84.

  • Sabbagh, M., Schiavone, R., Brizzi, G., Zilli, L., Sicuro, B. & Vilella, S. 2019. Poultry by-product meal as an alternative to fish meal in the juvenile gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) diet. Aquaculture, 511: 734220.

  • Brizzi, G. 2019a. Environmental monitoring and restoration following prototype decommissioning. Work Package 4. Impact Assessment, Deliverable 4.5. Project The Blue Growth Farm, funded under EU H2020 Grant Agreement 774426, pp. 1−25.

  • Brizzi, G. 2019b. Environmental impact assessment for the representative sites report – Canary Islands. Work Package 4. Impact Assessment, Task 4.1: Environmental impact assessment, Deliverable 4.1. Project The Blue Growth Farm, funded under EU H2020 Grant Agreement 774426, pp. 1−215.

  • Brizzi, G. 2019c. Environmental impact assessment for the representative sites report – Scotland, United Kingdom. Work Package 4. Impact Assessment, Task 4.1: Environmental impact assessment, Deliverable 4.1. Project The Blue Growth Farm, funded under EU H2020 Grant Agreement 774426, pp. 1−270.

  • Brizzi, G. 2019d. Environmental impact assessment for the representative sites report − France. Work Package 4. Impact Assessment, Task 4.1: Environmental impact assessment, Deliverable 4.1. Project The Blue Growth Farm, funded under EU H2020 Grant Agreement 774426, pp. 1−465.

  • Lagasco, F., Mariotti, A., Safier, E., Atack, T., Brizzi, G., Collu, M., Santoro, A., Bourdier, S., Muggiasca, S., Arena, F. & Larrea, I. 2019. New engineering approach for the development and demonstration of a multi-purpose platform for the Blue Growth Economy. Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom, 9−14 June 2019, 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2019.

  • Heo, T., Nguyen, P., Manuel, L., Collu, M., Abhinav, K., Xu, X., Brizzi, G., 2020. Operations and Maintenance for Multipurpose Offshore Platforms using Statistical Weather Window Analysis. Global Oceans 2020:  Singapore - U.S. Gulf Coast

  • Ohana, J., Horel, B., Merrien, A., Brizzi, G. & Bouscasse, B. 2020. Wave tank testing of a multi-purpose platform with aquaculture and renewable energy devices. Fort Lauderdale, United States of America, Proc. ASME 2020 International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2020.

  • Arena, F., Ruzzo, C., Muggiasca, S., Malara, G., Taruffi, F., Belloli, M., Collu, M., Li, L., Brizzi, G., 2020. Scaling strategies for multi-purpose floating structures physical modeling: state of art and new perspectives. Applied Ocean Research (in press)

  • Brizzi, G. & Sabbagh, M., 2020 - A new criterion for Multi-purpose platform siting: fish endurance to wave motion within offshore farming cages. Ocean Engineering (in press)

  • Zanuttigh, B., Palma, G., Bellotti, G., Romano, A., Brizzi, G., Suffredini, R., 2020. Design of a multi-use marine area off-shore the Mediterranean Sea. Ocean Engineering (in press)