CHLAMYS has designed and installed several offshore cage farms; has carried out research on behalf of public and private entities, partecipating to several italian research projects and to some influential EU FP7 and Horizon 2020 projects. To date, the company is active in Europe and North Africa.


  • 2020, Appropriate Assessment under Habitat Directive of a renewable energy production unit, Cagliari, Italy

  • 2020, Appropriate Assessment under Habitat Directive of SEA of Otranto Municipality, Italy

2018 al 2021

  • 2018-2021, Horizon 2020 Project "The Blue Growth Farm", G.A. 774426, “Development of an automated, modular and environmental friendly multi-functional platform for open sea installation of the Blue Growth Industry”;

2018 al 2019

  • 2018, Faunal analysis on benthos at Trani coastal ares, Italy;

  • 2018-2019, Siting and installation of moorings for “GREENFISH”, submersible cage farm, Algeria;

2016 al 2017

  • 2016-2017, Design, siting, installation of “ALMARINA” floating cage farm, Albania;

  • 2017, Design, siting, installation of the “ZIZOU EURL” floating cage farm, Algeria;


  • 2015, Design and installation of the “TENES AQUA” floating cage farm, Algeria;

2012 al 2014

  • 2012-2014, EU FP7 H2OCEAN Project, G.A. 288145, "Multi-use Offshore Platforms for Hydrogen production from Eolic / Wave energy";

2012 al 2013

  • 2012-2013, Design and installation of a floating cage farm for "LPA", Italy;


  • 2012, Technical assistance for fry shipping for "VALLE CA’ ZULIANI ", Italy

2011 al 2012

  • 2011- 2012 Technical management of “EXCELL FISH”, floating cage farm, Tunisia

2010 al 2011

  • 2010-2011, Technical management of “MEHDI AQUACULTURE”, floating cage farm, Tunisia;


  • 2009, Environmental impact assessment for “ITTICOLTURA AZIENDA”, long-lines oysters and mussels farm; Italy;


  • 2008, Environmental impact assessement for "MARICOLTURA MAR GRANDE", floating cage farm, Italy


  • 2007, POR Puglia Project "Strategic planning and adoption of common supply chain protocols" for "ALL.MAR.SUD", Italy;

2006 al 2008

  • 2006-2008, POR Puglia research project on “Control of parasitic infections in Diplodus puntazzo”.

  • 2006- 2008, POR Puglia research project on “Genetic selection of Sparus auratus broodstock”.

  • 2006-2008, POR Puglia research project on “Characterization of offshore farms through the presence of micropollutants and fish welfare”.


  • 2005, Valutazione di impatto ambientale per "ALL.MAR.SUD", allevamento di gabbie sommerse, Italia;

  • 2005, Progetto azienda agricola per "MAREBLU", gabbie sommerse, Italia;


  • 2004, Environmental impact assessement for “ACQUACOLTURA JONICA”, marine hatchery, Italy;


  • 2002, Environmental impact assessement for "MARICOLTURA MATTINATESE", floating cage farm, Italy;

  • 2002, Environmental impact assessement for "WINSEA", floating cage farm, Italy;

  • 2002, Zootechnical tests for “ISTITUTO SUPERIORE DI SANITA’”, Italy;


  • 2001, Production supervision for "VALLE CA’ ZULIANI ", floating cage farm, Italy;

  • 2001, Staff technical training for "MARICOLTURA MATTINATESE", 'plant in cages, Italy;

  • 2001, Production supervision for "HATKO AS", floating cage farm, Turkey;

  • 2001, Zootechnical trials on sea bream for SKRETTING S.A.